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Handgun Retention & single hand course


NOVEMBER 14 2020

Retention & single hand course

This course is broken down into two parts, the first part is learning how to deploy and operate your handgun in close proximity of an attacker safely while still having the ability to put rounds on target effectively. The second portion of the class focuses on single hand shooting and refining the skills to operate your handgun successfully and being able to put rounds on target with one hand.

This is not a beginner class and prior knowledge of handgun manipulations are required

Cost per student $175.00


  1. Have the ability to handle a gun safely in a range environment

  2. Pistol and 3 magazines

  3. Holster and mag pouch

  4. 400 rds

  5. Safety gear


​Once you have made your payment please contact me or put your phone number on the comments on pay pal so I can reach out to you.

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